The workshop
The Workshop was completed in March 2019. Built on 600sq metres and nestled in the beautiful surrounds of the England/Scotland border just under the Cheviot hills. It was Matt's goal to have a specialist joinery workshop that meant not only could he offer a full service build to his clients with regards to windows and doors but would also be able to create high quality, bespoke product using traditional workmanship and the very highest standards...enter Tom Buttler!
Tom manages the workshop on a daily basis producing a wide range of bespoke and heritage joinery with his skilled team. To have this facility in-house gives us a real advantage when it comes to design changes on a project - meaning we can react quickly to any amendments without having to wait for a third party...thus not impacting on the ever important timescale.
We have also been working with architects, joiner's and builders to manufacture items for their own projects.
The workshop has received a grant from the Rural Business Growth Service to part fund the installation of 3 phase electricity, purchase of new machinery and to build an extension to the original Workshop to have a high-tech spray system installed.

Business Growth and Spray Booth Extension projects have received funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Rural Business Growth Service project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the North Of Tyne Combined Authority